Looking for a safe and welcoming space to try something new? Need an easy way to relieve stress on a budget? In our Ready, Set, Relax series, we invite local yoga instructors to offer their style at the library, for free! Unwind with guided yoga and meditation from local experts who will provide techniques and resources for your physical and mental well-being. Ready, Set, Relax is open to all adults.
June 11 https://suffolkpubliclibrary.libcal.com/event/8990948
About the Instructor
This week we have Salena Jacob from GroundRoots Healing. Salena is a Doctor of Physical Therapy and with GroundRoots focuses on cultivating social justice, equality, and equity for all and empowering ALL but especially BIPoC individuals, teachers, organizations, and communities to cultivate connection, compassion, healing, growth, and well-being.