Employment: Music Director at New Life Metropolitan Church

Position: Director of Music
(part-time 12-15 hours/week) for an inclusive progressive Christian Church.
Interviewing now – Start date negotiable anytime between June – Fall ‘23

Where: New Life Metropolitan Community Church of Hampton Roads, VA
1000 Sunset Drive Norfolk VA 23503

Position Description/Responsibilities:
Under the direction of the Senior Pastor, the Director of Music for NLMCC serves as vital member of the worship team – assisting and working together with the Pastor, and other members of the team, in worship planning and taking the lead for coordinating all aspects of our music ministry. Specific responsibilities will include preparing for and leading weekly rehearsals/performances for a five-seven piece band and ten voice choir. Keyboard skills required.

New Life Metropolitan Community Church is a diverse inclusive progressive Christian church whose members/attendees are predominantly, but not exclusively, from the LGBTQAI+ community. We believe God’s love is for ALL people and seek to be inclusive in everything we endeavor to do. Worship at NLMCC is upbeat, engaging and interactive with a blended music style that ranges from traditional, contemporary, to African-American-spiritual-gospel-pentecostal. Worship services are held in-person and livestreamed @ 10:45 a.m. each Sunday morning concluding at noon. Additional special worship services are also held during seasonal celebrations at various times throughout the church year.

Rev. Mark Byrd, Senior Pastor NLMCC
(757) 434-1581